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Return summary of datasets available from VFB




A data.frame with columns including DOI


# \donttest{
#>                                                      label symbol
#> 1                                EM L1 Andrade et al. 2019       
#> 2    MBONs and split-GAL4 lines that target them (Aso2014)       
#> 3 split-GAL4 lines for dopaminergic neurons (AsoRubin2016)       
#> 4                           EM FAFB Baltruschat et al 2021       
#> 5                                EM L1 Barnes et al., 2022       
#> 6                    EM FAFB Bates and Schlegel et al 2020       
#>                  id                                         tags
#> 1       Andrade2019 Entity, DataSet, Individual, has_image, L1EM
#> 2           Aso2014       Entity, DataSet, Individual, has_image
#> 3      AsoRubin2016       Entity, DataSet, Individual, has_image
#> 4   Baltruschat2021 Entity, DataSet, Individual, has_image, FAFB
#> 5        Barnes2022            Entity, DataSet, Individual, L1EM
#> 6 BatesSchlegel2020 Entity, DataSet, Individual, has_image, FAFB
#>                                                                                                  description
#> 1                                                        L1 EM reconstructed neurons from Andrade et al 2019
#> 2                                                                                                       NULL
#> 3 For comparison of the properties of memories formed by optogenetic activation of individual DAN cell types
#> 4                                                  FAFB EM reconstructed neurons from Baltruschat et al 2021
#> 5                                                       L1 EM reconstructed neurons from Barnes et al., 2022
#> 6                                           FAFB EM reconstructed neurons from Bates and Schlegel et al 2020
#>                                                miniref     FlyBase     PMID
#> 1 Andrade et al., 2019, Curr. Biol. 29(3): 412--425.e3 FBrf0241389 30661802
#> 2                    Aso et al., 2014, eLife 3: e04577 FBrf0227179 25535793
#> 3                 Aso and Rubin, 2016, eLife 5: e16135 FBrf0233230 27441388
#> 4   Baltruschat et al., 2021, Cell Rep. 34(11): 108871 FBrf0248487 33730583
#> 5        Barnes et al., 2022, PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266064 FBrf0253082 35377898
#> 6                      Bates and Schlegel et al., 2020                     
#>                            DOI
#> 1    10.1016/j.cub.2018.12.012
#> 2          10.7554/eLife.04577
#> 3          10.7554/eLife.16135
#> 4 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108871
#> 5 10.1371/journal.pone.0266064
#> 6    10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.042
subset(df, !nzchar(DOI))
#> [1] label       symbol      id          tags        description miniref    
#> [7] FlyBase     PMID        DOI        
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# }