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Neuroanatomical data analysis

The natverse is a collection of interoperable R packages to import, visualise, analyse, manipulate and export 3D neuroanatomical data, including neurons, brains and brain regions. It has been used to study brain and circuit organisation in species from flies to fish and mice. You can install quickly like this:

natmanager::install('core') # basic install
natmanager::install('natverse') # or full install

See the install page for full details, especially if you are new to R.

Getting started
To get started, take a look at our Gallery or the natverse paper. Explore our resources for learning the natverse and get help if you have a problem. We also have a friendly user forum that you can use to request input from developers and other users.
What's in a name?
The natverse is named by analogy to the tidyverse a collection of R packages that try to enable simple and efficient general data analysis.