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clio_auth sets up the initial Google token that ultimately authorises malevnc to view and edit data in the clio-store for body annotations. This function is a wrapper around gargle::token_fetch. You should normally not need to use it directly, but it can be useful if you run into authorisation problems (see examples).

clio_token returns a long lived token to use for clio store queries. Experts may wish to use this to construct their own API requests.

clio_set_token sets Clio token manually.


  email = getOption("malevnc.clio_email", gargle::gargle_oauth_email()),
  cache = gargle::gargle_oauth_cache(),

clio_token(force = FALSE)

clio_set_token(token, force = FALSE)



An optional email - must be the one linked to your Clio account (and therefore linked to a Google account). See gargle::link{credentials_user_oauth2} for details.


Whether to use an oauth cache (Expert use only, see gargle::gargle_oauth_cache for details).


Additional arguments passed to gargle::token_fetch


logical value that determines whether to override the existing token or not (default FALSE).


character with a token value


Clio store authorisation is a multi step process. You must first authenticate to Google who will return a token confirming your identity; this token only lasts ~30m. This Google token is then presented to a clio store endpoint to generate a long lived clio token, which is cached on disk (for up to 3 weeks at the time of writing). You can also specify a token via the CLIO_TOKEN environment variable - this is mainly provided as a convenience during continuous integration testing.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get or refresh clio JWT token (with the associated email as an attribute)

# regenerate token for specified email if you are getting 401 web errors
clio_auth("", cache=FALSE)

# To remember your preferred email (e.g. because you have >1 Google account)
# then add this line, save and restart
} # }