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Return all DVID body annotations


  ids = NULL,
  node = "neutu",
  rval = c("data.frame", "list"),
  columns_show = NULL,
  cache = FALSE



A set of body ids in any form understandable to manc_ids


A DVID node as returned by manc_dvid_node. The default is to return the current active (unlocked) node being used through neutu.


Whether to return a fully parsed data.frame (the default) or an R list. The data.frame is easier to work with but typically includes NAs for many values that would be missing in the list.


Whether to show all columns, or just with '_user', or '_time' suffix. Accepted options are: 'user', 'time', 'all'.


Whether to cache the result of this call for 5 minutes.


A tibble containing with columns including

  • bodyid as a numeric value

  • status

  • user

  • naming_user

  • instance

  • status_user

  • comment

NB only one bodyid is used regardless of whether the key-value returned has 0, 1 or 2 bodyid fields. When the ids are specified, missing ids will have a row containing the bodyid in question and then all other columns will be NA.


See this Slack post from Stuart Berg for details.

Note that the original api call was <rootuuid>:master, but I have now just changed this to <neutu-uuid> as returned by manc_dvid_node. This was because the range query stopped working 16 May 2021, probably because of a bad node.


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 6 × 53
#>   bodyid class      description entry_nerve exit_nerve group instance long_tract
#>    <dbl> <chr>      <chr>       <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <chr>    <chr>     
#> 1  10000 descendin… Giant fiber CvC         "None"     10000 DNlt002… none      
#> 2  10001 sensory n… NA          ProLN_R      NA           NA SNxxxx_… NA        
#> 3  10002 descendin… Giant fiber CvC         "None"     10000 DNlt002… none      
#> 4  10003 sensory n… NA          ProLN_L      NA           NA SNta29_… NA        
#> 5  10004 intrinsic… 13B in T2 … None        ""         10004 IN13B07… NA        
#> 6  10007 sensory n… NA          AbN3_R       NA           NA SNpp03_… NA        
#> # ℹ 45 more variables: nt_acetylcholine_prob <dbl>, nt_gaba_prob <dbl>,
#> #   nt_glutamate_prob <dbl>, nt_unknown_prob <dbl>, origin <chr>,
#> #   position <chr>, position_type <chr>, predicted_nt <chr>,
#> #   predicted_nt_prob <dbl>, prefix <chr>, root_position <chr>,
#> #   root_side <chr>, status <chr>, subclass <chr>, synonyms <chr>,
#> #   systematic_type <chr>, target <chr>, transmission <chr>, type <chr>,
#> #   user <chr>, vfb_id <chr>, modality <chr>, tag <chr>, soma_side <chr>, …
#>                                   0.5assign                Anchor 
#>                   497                   892                   168 
#>                Orphan            PRT Orphan Prelim Roughly traced 
#>                   287                   245                  4896 
#>        Primary Anchor             RT Orphan        Roughly traced 
#>                     1                   314                 18304 
#>        Sensory Anchor           Soma Anchor           Unimportant 
#>                    45                     3                  1617 

#> # A tibble: 2 × 53
#>   bodyid class      description entry_nerve exit_nerve group instance long_tract
#>    <dbl> <chr>      <chr>       <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <chr>    <chr>     
#> 1  10000 descendin… Giant fiber CvC         None       10000 DNlt002… none      
#> 2  10002 descendin… Giant fiber CvC         None       10000 DNlt002… none      
#> # ℹ 45 more variables: nt_acetylcholine_prob <dbl>, nt_gaba_prob <dbl>,
#> #   nt_glutamate_prob <dbl>, nt_unknown_prob <dbl>, origin <chr>,
#> #   position <chr>, position_type <chr>, predicted_nt <chr>,
#> #   predicted_nt_prob <dbl>, prefix <chr>, root_position <chr>,
#> #   root_side <chr>, status <chr>, subclass <chr>, synonyms <chr>,
#> #   systematic_type <chr>, target <chr>, transmission <chr>, type <chr>,
#> #   user <chr>, vfb_id <chr>, modality <chr>, tag <chr>, soma_side <chr>, …

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# compare live body annotations with version in clio
waldo::compare(mdf.clio, mdf)
} # }
# }