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Set Left-Right matching groups for neurons in DVID and optionally Clio


  sides = NULL,
  dryrun = TRUE,
  Force = FALSE,
  Partial = FALSE,
  group = NA,
  clio = TRUE,
  user = getOption("malevnc.dvid_user")



A set of body ids belonging to the same group


Optional character vector specifying the sides (L,R,U) for the given ids. Will be taken from neuprint by default.


When TRUE, the default, show what will happen rather than applying the annotations.


Whether to update DVID instances (and clio group) even when there is existing DVID instance information.


Assigns group annotations (via DVID instances) only to neurons that do not yet have annotation.


Set a specific group id rather than accepting the default.


Whether to set the Clio group field in addition to DVID.


Janelia user name to associate with the DVID instance annotation (defaults to the value of options("malevnc.dvid_user"), but can be overridden by this argument. NB a user must be provided by one of these means. If the user has no Janelia id, just use an id of the form <surname><firstinitial> e.g. jefferisg.


One important process in reviewing and annotating neurons is to compare neurons on the left and right side of the malevnc dataset. This can identify neurons that need further proof-reading fixes as well as grouping neurons that may eventually form agreed cell types. At the time of writing (21 Aug 2021) group information is stored in two locations: the DVID instance field and the Clio group field. DVID instance information is being periodically copied to Clio, but for the time being this is not automated. Furthermore it is not trivial to reconcile the two locations if they get out of sync. Therefore we have agreed that DVID will remain the master source of information for the time being.

DVID left-right groupings are stored in the instance field (for the hemibrain this was more specific than the type field and typically included side of brain information). The convention has been to store the lowest body id in a group followed by an underscore and then the side (L or R) or a letter U to indicate that the neuron is unpaired (sometimes this is UNP). In contrast the Clio group column just contains the lowest bodyid. At this point we assume that the selected bodyid will not change if neurons are added to the group. manc_set_lrgroup will choose the lowest bodyid as the default when setting the group for a set of ids unless a specific group argument is passed.

Grouping neurons remains a subjective process: while many cases are obvious, there are always edge cases where experts disagree. Therefore it is not necessarily productive to spend extensive amounts of discussion once a designation has been made. Therefore manc_set_lrgroup tries to avoid overriding previous designations unless the user insists. This behaviour can be changed using the Force or Partial. As you might expect Force=TRUE just does what you ask regardless of any existing annotations. Use this sparingly and with caution.

Partial=TRUE is more nuanced and tries to do the right thing when extending a group for which some members already have annotations. The main limitation is that you must pass all the members of the group in your call so that manc_set_lrgroup knows that you are trying to make a compatible annotation.

Here are some examples of group annotations:

  • 10000_R, 10000_L for bodyids 10000, 10002 (the giant fibre neurons)

  • 13083_U an unpaired neuron.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# check it makes sense, dryrun=T
manc_set_lrgroup(c(12516, 12706))
# apply
manc_set_lrgroup(c(12516, 12706), dryrun=F)
} # }