Test that the base neuromorpho.org API url, http://neuromorpho.org/api, can be reached. The API provides access to the neuron information, morphometry data and literature via three main endpoints using conventional HTTP requests. These endpoints are used by function in this package to read neurons from the repository, get meta information associated with those neurons, and perform limited searches of the literature describing neuronal morphologies.
neuromorpho_is_api_healthy(neuromorpho_url = "http://neuromorpho.org", ...)
the base URL for querying the neuromorpho database, defaults to http://neuromorpho.org
methods passed to neuromorpho_async_req
, or in some cases, neuromorphr:::neuromorpho_fetch
TRUE if the API can be reached, FALSE with a warning, if not
Checks to see whether status the neuromorpho.org API is 'UP' at http://neuromorpho.org/api/health