Choose or (temporarily) use a FAFB autosegmentation
allows a specific segmentation to be
temporarily selected.
- release
character vector specifying a released segmentation via a known short name or a sample neuroglancer URL.
- set
Whether or not to set the selected options for the selected
.- moreoptions
Any further options that you might wish to set (optional, expert use only, principally intended for use by
package).- expr
The expression to execute with the temporary options set
If set=TRUE
a list containing the previous values of the
relevant global options (in the style of options
. If
a named list containing the option values.
The result of evaluating expr
Each released segmentation implies a number of global options. This
package comes with multiple different default scene urls specified via
or with_segmentation
. This
is the easiest way to choose a particular segmentation. You can also pass a
sample URL to the release
As of Nov 2020, the "flywire31"
is the default segmentation when the
package loads. This specifies the production (i.e. in progress) version of
the flywire dataset. You will need to register with the flywire team and
generate a flywire token linked to the email used during your registration
to access this. Alternatively you can also use the
data release accompanying the Dorkenwald et al
2023 and Schlegel et al 2023 publications; you still need a token for this
(see flywire_set_token
), but no registration is required (and
there are no limitations on use of these data for new projects besides
citing those two preprints).
You can also specify a different sample URL via the sampleurl
argument of some functions; it will be remembered for the rest of the R
session. If you regularly use a particular kind of scene URL, you can set
in your Rprofile
If you need to use both built-in and custom segmentation URLs, we recommend
specifying the custom URL in your Rprofile
file and using the
to run code that uses one of the built-in
# \donttest{
choose_segmentation('20190805', set=FALSE)
#> $fafbseg.sampleurl
#> [1] "!%7B%22layers%22:%5B%7B%22source%22:%22precomputed://gs://neuroglancer-fafb-data/fafb_v14/fafb_v14_clahe_sharded%22%2C%22type%22:%22image%22%2C%22name%22:%22fafb_v14_clahe%22%7D%2C%7B%22source%22:%22brainmaps://772153499790:fafb_v14:fafb-ffn1-20190805%22%2C%22type%22:%22segmentation%22%2C%22skeletonRendering%22:%7B%22mode2d%22:%22lines_and_points%22%2C%22mode3d%22:%22lines%22%7D%2C%22name%22:%22fafb-ffn1-20190805%22%7D%2C%7B%22source%22:%22brainmaps://772153499790:fafb_v14:fafb-ffn1-20190805-skeletons32nm%22%2C%22type%22:%22segmentation%22%2C%22segments%22:%5B%220%22%5D%2C%22skeletonRendering%22:%7B%22mode2d%22:%22lines_and_points%22%2C%22mode3d%22:%22lines%22%7D%2C%22name%22:%22fafb-ffn1-20190805-skeletons32nm%22%7D%5D%2C%22navigation%22:%7B%22pose%22:%7B%22position%22:%7B%22voxelSize%22:%5B4%2C4%2C40%5D%2C%22voxelCoordinates%22:%5B122437.5625%2C36391.234375%2C2057.085205078125%5D%7D%7D%2C%22zoomFactor%22:8%7D%2C%22perspectiveOrientation%22:%5B-0.6771116256713867%2C0.6536111831665039%2C-0.1610027700662613%2C0.2973051071166992%5D%2C%22perspectiveZoom%22:5184.860830857428%2C%22showSlices%22:false%2C%22layout%22:%224panel%22%7D"
#> $fafbseg.skeletonuri
#> [1] "brainmaps://772153499790:fafb_v14:fafb-ffn1-20190805-skeletons32nm"
#> $fafbseg.brainmaps.volume
#> [1] "772153499790:fafb_v14:fafb-ffn1-20190805"
#> $fafbseg.brainmaps.meshName
#> [1] "mcws_quad1e6"
#> $fafbseg.catmaid
#> [1] ""
#> $fafbseg.cloudvolume.url
#> [1] "brainmaps://772153499790:fafb_v14:fafb-ffn1-20190805"
# }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# temporarily change default segmentation to run a command
# but restore original default when finished
# Choose the FlyWire segmentation
with_segmentation('flywire31', {open_fafb_ngl(c(460792, 221812, 61480))})
# similarly for one Google (Li and Jain) segmentation
with_segmentation('20190805', {open_fafb_ngl(c(460792, 221812, 61480))})
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
n <- with_segmentation("20190521",
# open location in flywire
with_segmentation("flywire", open_fafb_ngl(c(433440, 168344, 131200)))
} # }