Given a vector of flycircuit gene/neuron names or neuronids use hclust to carry out a hierarchical clustering. The default value of distfun will handle square distance matrices and R dist objects. Note that hclustfc is a thin wrapper around the nhclust function and that is what you want to use if you have calculated a score matrix yourself e.g. for a set of all by all pairwise neurons similarities computed by nblast or nblast_allbyall.

hclustfc(gns, method = "ward",
  scoremat = getOption("flycircuit.scoremat"), unsquare = FALSE,
  distfun = as.dist, ..., maxneurons = 4000)



FlyCircuit identifiers (passed to fc_gene_name).


clustering method (default Ward's).


score matrix to use (see sub_score_mat for details of default).


Whether to return the square root of the distance calculated by hclust (see details, default FALSE).


function to convert distance matrix returned by sub_dist_mat into R dist object (default= as.dist).


additional parameters passed to hclust.


set this to a sensible value to avoid loading huge (order N^2) distances directly into memory.


when method is ward, ward.D or ward.D2 it may make sense to unsquare the resultant distance before plotting.

See also


data(kcs20, package='nat') hckcs=hclustfc(names(kcs20))
#> The "ward" method has been renamed to "ward.D"; note new "ward.D2"
# plot basic dendrogram plot(hckcs)
# plot dendrogram using unsquared distance plot(hclustfc(names(kcs20), unsquare=TRUE))
#> The "ward" method has been renamed to "ward.D"; note new "ward.D2"
# divide hclust object into 3 groups library(dendroextras) plot(colour_clusters(hckcs, k=3))
# 3d plot of neurons in those clusters (with matching colours) library(nat) plot3d(hckcs, k=3, db=kcs20) # names of neurons in 3 groups subset(hckcs, k=3)
#> [1] "FruMARCM-F000706_seg001" "FruMARCM-M000842_seg002" #> [3] "GadMARCM-F000050_seg001" "FruMARCM-M001339_seg001" #> [5] "FruMARCM-F001115_seg002" "FruMARCM-M001051_seg002" #> [7] "FruMARCM-F001494_seg002" "FruMARCM-F000188_seg001" #> [9] "FruMARCM-F000270_seg001" "FruMARCM-F001929_seg001" #> [11] "GadMARCM-F000423_seg001" "GadMARCM-F000142_seg002" #> [13] "ChaMARCM-F000586_seg002" "FruMARCM-M001205_seg002" #> [15] "GadMARCM-F000122_seg001" "GadMARCM-F000476_seg001" #> [17] "FruMARCM-F000085_seg001" "GadMARCM-F000071_seg001" #> [19] "FruMARCM-M000115_seg001" "GadMARCM-F000442_seg002"