Plot FlyCircuit neurons using rgl

plot3dfc(id, col, db = getOption("nat.default.neuronlist"), ...)



Vector of FlyCircuit gene or neuron names or idids (passed to fc_gene_name)


Function or vector specifying colour.


Object of class neuronlist or a character vector naming a neuronlist that will be passed to link{get}.


Additional arguments for plot3d


List of rgl stack ids (see rgl::plot3d).


  • Colour defaults to black for a single neuron or rainbow(length(id)) when more than one neuron is plotted. It can be specified as a function, a vector (length(id)) or a single recycled value.

  • By default when more than 200 neurons are plotted in a single call rgl redraw is suspended. This can be >10x faster.

  • npop3d can be used to remove the last plotted neurons.

  • Plotted soma positions (when soma=TRUE) is passed as an additional argument for plot3d.neuronlist are a prediction based on location in the FlyCircuit template brain mapped onto my selected template. The positions are looked up in the df attribute of the neuronlist.

See also


#> glX #> 2
library(nat) plot3dfc("fru-M-300145", col='green', db=kcs20) npop3d() plot3dfc("fru-M-100014", col='red', db=kcs20, soma=TRUE) rgl.close()