Fetch neuprint metadata for MANC neurons
ids = NULL,
conn = manc_neuprint(),
roiInfo = FALSE,
fields.regex.exclude = NULL,
fields.regex.include = NULL,
- ids
A set of body ids in any form understandable to
- conn
Optional, a
object, which also specifies the neuPrint server. Defaults tomanc_neuprint()
to ensure that query is against the VNC dataset.- roiInfo
whether to include the
field detailing synapse numbers in different locations. This is omitted by default as it is returned as a character vector of unprocessed JSON.- fields.regex.exclude, fields.regex.include
Optional regular expressions to define fields to include or exclude from the returned metadata.
- ...
Additional arguments passed to
A data.frame with one row for each (unique) id and NAs for all columns except bodyid when neuprint holds no metadata.
# \donttest{
#> bodyid post pre downstream upstream synweight ntGabaProb ntAcetylcholineProb
#> 1 10000 2059 1033 4318 2059 6377 0.1707151 0.5142119
#> 2 10002 1973 934 3826 1973 5799 0.1434814 0.4596285
#> ntGlutamateProb ntUnknownProb predictedNt voxels rootLocation
#> 1 0.2175471 0.09752578 acetylcholine 38743961712 24481,36044,67070
#> 2 0.2562304 0.14065966 acetylcholine 39414880927 23217,35252,67070
#> class entryNerve name origin subcluster
#> 1 descending neuron CvC DNlt002_CvC_R brain NA
#> 2 descending neuron CvC DNlt002_CvC_L brain NA
#> location locationType predictedNtProb prefix rootSide statusLabel
#> 1 24481,36044,67070 neck 0.5142119 DN RHS Roughly traced
#> 2 23217,35252,67070 neck 0.4596285 DN LHS Roughly traced
#> subclass synonyms systematicType target type vfbId modality
#> 1 lt GF, Giant Fiber DNlt002 LTct_RL DNp01 VFB_jrcv07ps <NA>
#> 2 lt GF, Giant Fiber DNlt002 LTct_RL DNp01 VFB_jrcv07pu <NA>
#> tag cluster receptorType status group somaSide birthtime hemilineage serial
#> 1 <NA> NA <NA> Traced 10000 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
#> 2 <NA> NA <NA> Traced 10000 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
#> serialMotif somaNeuromere somaLocation description avgLocation exitNerve
#> 1 <NA> <NA> <NA> Giant fiber <NA> None
#> 2 <NA> <NA> <NA> Giant fiber <NA> None
#> subclassabbr transmission tosomaLocation longTract source soma
#> 1 <NA> electrical <NA> none <NA> FALSE
#> 2 <NA> electrical <NA> none <NA> FALSE
# use of a full CYPHER query. NB Each field relating to the neuron must be
# be preceded by "n."
bignogroup <-
manc_neuprint_meta("where:NOT exists(n.group) AND n.synweight>5000 AND n.class CONTAINS 'neuron'")
#> bodyid post pre downstream upstream synweight ntGabaProb ntAcetylcholineProb
#> 1 28027 475 456 4868 475 5343 0.03783341 0.5811309
#> 2 19177 513 569 4629 513 5142 0.03305553 0.9122434
#> 3 13967 1096 644 4252 1096 5348 0.05167811 0.8687301
#> 4 17446 868 655 4455 868 5323 0.07676595 0.8022338
#> 5 171382 894 541 4320 894 5214 0.03987283 0.8937346
#> 6 33176 377 675 5938 377 6315 0.05780571 0.4767193
#> ntGlutamateProb ntUnknownProb predictedNt voxels rootLocation
#> 1 0.36905804 0.011977710 acetylcholine 225825889 27866,36885,22115
#> 2 0.04326012 0.011440937 acetylcholine 589533979 26421,8062,16
#> 3 0.06977999 0.009811865 acetylcholine 1243780740 25947,7375,16
#> 4 0.09062613 0.030374180 acetylcholine 750977826 26876,7774,15
#> 5 0.05699900 0.009393622 acetylcholine 465918537 26665,8341,29
#> 6 0.45052716 0.014947851 acetylcholine 534616731
#> class entryNerve name origin subcluster
#> 1 sensory neuron MesoLN_R SNppxx_MesoLN_R mesothoracic leg NA
#> 2 sensory neuron AbNT_R SNxx23_AbNT_R abdomen 75
#> 3 sensory neuron AbNT_L SNxx10_AbNT_L abdomen 68
#> 4 sensory neuron AbNT_R SNxx23_AbNT_R abdomen 75
#> 5 sensory neuron AbNT_R SNxx07_AbNT_R abdomen 67
#> 6 sensory neuron ProAN_L SNppxx_ProAN_L prothoracic leg NA
#> location locationType predictedNtProb prefix rootSide
#> 1 25981,36162,29442 auto 0.5811309 SN RHS
#> 2 25729,12900,7969 auto 0.9122434 SN RHS
#> 3 22095,14384,8847 auto 0.8687301 SN LHS
#> 4 25555,14853,7796 auto 0.8022338 SN RHS
#> 5 27032,12900,7461 user 0.8937346 <NA> RHS
#> 6 17539,32687,56294 auto 0.4767193 SN LHS
#> statusLabel subclass synonyms systematicType target type
#> 1 Prelim Roughly traced <NA> <NA> SNppxx LegNpT2_R SNppxx
#> 2 Prelim Roughly traced <NA> <NA> SNxx23 ANm SNxx23
#> 3 Prelim Roughly traced <NA> <NA> SNxx10 ANm SNxx10
#> 4 Prelim Roughly traced <NA> <NA> SNxx23 ANm SNxx23
#> 5 Prelim Roughly traced <NA> <NA> SNxx07 ANm SNxx07
#> 6 Prelim Roughly traced hair plate hair plate SNppxx LegNpT1_L SNppxx
#> vfbId modality tag cluster receptorType status group
#> 1 VFB_jrcv0lmj proprioceptive 15.08.h3 NA <NA> Traced NA
#> 2 VFB_jrcv0esp unknown <NA> 38 <NA> Traced NA
#> 3 VFB_jrcv0arz unknown <NA> 25 <NA> Traced NA
#> 4 VFB_jrcv0dgm unknown <NA> 38 <NA> Traced NA
#> 5 VFB_jrcv3o8m unknown <NA> 22 <NA> Traced NA
#> 6 VFB_jrcv0plk proprioceptive 21.20.h3 NA <NA> Traced NA
#> somaSide birthtime hemilineage serial serialMotif somaNeuromere somaLocation
#> 1 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 6 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> description avgLocation exitNerve subclassabbr transmission tosomaLocation
#> 1 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 6 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> longTract source soma
#> 1 <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 2 <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 3 <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 4 <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 5 <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 6 <NA> <NA> FALSE
# }