neuron makes a neuron object from appropriate variables.

is.neuron will check if an object looks like a neuron.

as.neuron will convert a suitable object to a neuron expects a block of SWC format data

as.neuron.ngraph converts a graph (typically an ngraph object) to a neuron

as.neuron.igraph will convert an ngraph compatible igraph object into a neuron.

as.neuron.default will add class "neuron" to a neuron-like object.

  NumPoints = nrow(d),
  BranchPoints = integer(),
  SubTrees = NULL,
  InputFileName = NULL,
  NeuronName = NULL,
  MD5 = TRUE

is.neuron(x, Strict = FALSE)

as.neuron(x, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame
as.neuron(x, ...)

# S3 method for ngraph
as.neuron(x, vertexData = NULL, origin = NULL, Verbose = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for igraph
as.neuron(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
as.neuron(x, ...)



matrix of vertices and associated data in SWC format


Number of points in master subtree

StartPoint, BranchPoints, EndPoints

Nodes of the neuron


List where each element contains the vertex indices for a single segments of the neuron, starting at root.


List of SegLists where a neuron has multiple unconnected trees (e.g. because the soma is not part of the graph, or because the neuronal arbour has been cut.)


Character vector with path to input file


Character vector containing name of neuron or a function with one argument (the full path) which returns the name. The default (NULL) sets NeuronName to the file name without the file extension.


Additional fields to be included in neuron. Note that if these include CreatedAt, NodeName, InputFileStat or InputFileMD5, they will override fields of that name that are calculated automatically.


Logical indicating whether to calculate MD5 hash of input


A neuron or other object to test/convert


Whether to check class of neuron or use a more relaxed definition based on object being a list with a SegList component.


A dataframe with SWC fields especially X,Y,Z,W,PointNo, Parent.


Root vertex, matched against names (aka PointNo) when available (see details)


Whether to be verbose (default: FALSE)


A list with elements: (NumPoints,StartPoint,BranchPoints,EndPoints,nTrees,NumSegs,SegList, [SubTrees]) NB SubTrees will only be present when nTrees>1.


neuron objects consist of a list containing multiple fields describing the 3D location and connectivity of points in a traced neuron. The critical fields of a neuron, n, are n$d which contains a dataframe in SWC format and n$SegList which contains a representation of the neuron's topology used for most internal calculations. For historical reasons, n$SegList is limited to a single fully-connected tree. If the tree contains multiple unconnected subtrees, then these are stored in n$SubTrees and nTrees will be >1; the "master" subtree (typically the one with the most points) will then be stored in n$SegList and n$NumPoints will refer to the number of points in that subtree, not the whole neuron.

StartPoint, BranchPoints, EndPoints are indices matching the rows of the vertices in d not arbitrary point numbers typically encoded in d$PointNo.

Columns will be ordered c('PointNo','Label','X','Y','Z','W','Parent')

Uses a depth first search on the tree to reorder using the given origin.

When the graph contains multiple subgraphs, only one will be chosen as the master tree and used to construct the SegList of the resultant neuron. However all subgraphs will be listed in the SubTrees element of the neuron and nTrees will be set appropriately.

When the graph vertices have a label attribute derived from PointNo, the origin is assumed to be specified with respect to the vertex labels rather than the raw vertex ids.

See also


## See help for functions listed in See Also for more detailed examples
## Basic properties
# a sample neuron 
n = Cell07PNs[[1]]

# summarise it
#> 'neuron' with 180 vertices in 1 tree

# inspect its internal structure
#> List of 24
#>  $ CellType     : chr "DA1"
#>  $ NeuronName   : chr "EBH11R"
#>  $ InputFileName: 'AsIs' chr "/GD/projects/PN2/TransformedTraces/DA1/EBH11R.tasc"
#>  $ CreatedAt    : POSIXt[1:1], format: "2006-01-17 15:21:14"
#>  $ NodeName     : Named chr ""
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "nodename"
#>  $ InputFileStat:'data.frame':	1 obs. of  10 variables:
#>   ..$ size  : num 15379
#>   ..$ isdir : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ mode  : 'octmode' int 644
#>   ..$ mtime : POSIXt[1:1], format: "2006-01-12 00:52:01"
#>   ..$ ctime : POSIXt[1:1], format: "2006-01-12 00:52:01"
#>   ..$ atime : POSIXt[1:1], format: "2006-01-17 15:21:14"
#>   ..$ uid   : int 501
#>   ..$ gid   : int 501
#>   ..$ uname : chr "jefferis"
#>   ..$ grname: chr "jefferis"
#>  $ InputFileMD5 : Named chr "fcacee3f874cbe2c6ad96214e6fee337"
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= 'AsIs' chr "/GD/projects/PN2/TransformedTraces/DA1/EBH11R.tasc"
#>  $ NumPoints    : int 180
#>  $ StartPoint   : num 1
#>  $ BranchPoints : num [1:16] 34 48 51 75 78 95 98 99 108 109 ...
#>  $ EndPoints    : num [1:18] 1 42 59 62 80 85 96 100 102 112 ...
#>  $ NumSegs      : int 33
#>  $ SegList      :List of 33
#>   ..$ : int [1:34] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>   ..$ : int [1:9] 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
#>   ..$ : num [1:7] 34 43 44 45 46 47 48
#>   ..$ : int [1:4] 48 49 50 51
#>   ..$ : int [1:9] 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
#>   ..$ : num [1:4] 51 60 61 62
#>   ..$ : num [1:14] 48 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ...
#>   ..$ : int [1:4] 75 76 77 78
#>   ..$ : int [1:3] 78 79 80
#>   ..$ : num [1:6] 78 81 82 83 84 85
#>   ..$ : num [1:11] 75 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 ...
#>   ..$ : int [1:2] 95 96
#>   ..$ : num [1:3] 95 97 98
#>   ..$ : int [1:2] 98 99
#>   ..$ : int [1:2] 99 100
#>   ..$ : num [1:3] 99 101 102
#>   ..$ : num [1:7] 98 103 104 105 106 107 108
#>   ..$ : int [1:2] 108 109
#>   ..$ : int [1:4] 109 110 111 112
#>   ..$ : num [1:4] 109 113 114 115
#>   ..$ : int [1:3] 115 116 117
#>   ..$ : num [1:3] 115 118 119
#>   ..$ : int [1:3] 119 120 121
#>   ..$ : num [1:14] 119 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ...
#>   ..$ : num [1:2] 108 135
#>   ..$ : int [1:9] 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
#>   ..$ : int [1:6] 143 144 145 146 147 148
#>   ..$ : num [1:7] 143 149 150 151 152 153 154
#>   ..$ : num [1:7] 135 155 156 157 158 159 160
#>   ..$ : int [1:6] 160 161 162 163 164 165
#>   ..$ : num [1:5] 160 166 167 168 169
#>   ..$ : int [1:4] 169 170 171 172
#>   ..$ : num [1:9] 169 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
#>  $ d            :'data.frame':	180 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ PointNo: int [1:180] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>   ..$ Label  : num [1:180] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
#>   ..$ X      : num [1:180] 187 187 188 188 188 ...
#>   ..$ Y      : num [1:180] 133 131 130 129 129 ...
#>   ..$ Z      : num [1:180] 88.2 90.6 93.1 95 97.5 ...
#>   ..$ W      : num [1:180] 1.01 1.27 1.14 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 ...
#>   ..$ Parent : num [1:180] -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
#>  $ OrientInfo   :List of 5
#>   ..$ AxonOriented: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ AVMPoint    : logi NA
#>   ..$ AVLPoint    : logi NA
#>   ..$ Scl         : num [1:3] 1 1 1
#>   ..$ NewAxes     : num [1:3] 1 2 3
#>  $ SegOrders    : num [1:33] 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 ...
#>  $ MBPoints     : int [1:2] 34 48
#>  $ LHBranchPoint: int 75
#>  $ SegTypes     : num [1:33] 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 ...
#>  $ AxonSegNos   :List of 3
#>   ..$ PreMBAxons : int 1
#>   ..$ MBAxons    : int 3
#>   ..$ PostMBAxons: int 7
#>  $ LHSegNos     : num [1:26] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
#>  $ MBSegNos     :List of 2
#>   ..$ : int 2
#>   ..$ : num [1:3] 4 5 6
#>  $ NumMBBranches: num 2
#>  $ AxonLHEP     : num 72
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "neuron" "list"
# summary of 3D points
#>        X               Y                Z        
#>  Min.   :186.9   Min.   : 90.36   Min.   : 88.2  
#>  1st Qu.:225.6   1st Qu.: 97.56   1st Qu.:103.4  
#>  Median :258.4   Median :102.70   Median :112.9  
#>  Mean   :249.4   Mean   :104.03   Mean   :120.9  
#>  3rd Qu.:277.7   3rd Qu.:109.04   3rd Qu.:139.0  
#>  Max.   :289.5   Max.   :132.71   Max.   :157.3  
# identify 3d location of endpoints
#>            X         Y         Z
#> 1   186.8660 132.70932  88.20393
#> 42  224.7067 109.86362 153.58749
#> 59  229.6343  92.30637 157.29700
#> 62  226.8855  90.36325 147.59602
#> 80  249.8864  93.59079 136.77795
#> 85  253.0099  90.94904 137.34921
#> 96  264.0801  98.53390 121.89463
#> 100 266.3223  98.73241 116.46558
#> 102 267.5460  98.59859 112.85608
#> 112 271.0762 102.67288 100.84955
#> 117 274.6128 100.92061 103.28772
#> 121 277.3920 102.19148 102.69473
#> 134 287.1214 101.43365 103.30740
#> 148 281.7958  96.63987 101.08075
#> 154 276.6551  95.09809  99.22113
#> 165 278.3287 113.75627 104.87700
#> 172 282.3069 111.93213 105.65492
#> 180 289.5364 111.96014 109.18281

## Other methods
# plot

# all methods for neuron objects
methods(class = 'neuron')
#>  [1] Ops                all.equal          as.neuron          as.ngraph         
#>  [5] as.seglist         branchpoints       dotprops           endpoints         
#>  [9] intersect_plane    ndigest            nvertices          plot              
#> [13] plot3d             potential_synapses print              prune             
#> [17] prune_in_volume    prune_online       prune_twigs        reroot            
#> [21] resample           rootpoints         scale              sholl_analysis    
#> [25] subset             summary            write.vtk          xform             
#> [29] xyzmatrix          xyzmatrix<-       
#> see '?methods' for accessing help and source code

## Neurons as graphs 
# convert to graph and find longest paths by number of nodes

# ... or in distances  microns
ngw=as.ngraph(n, weights=TRUE)

# converting back and forth between neurons and graphs
gstem=igraph::induced.subgraph(g, 1:10)
# this is fine


# but if you had an undirected graph 
# you get a warning because there is no explicit origin for the graph
#> Warning: No valid origin found! Using first endpoint as origin
#> 'neuron' with 10 vertices in 1 tree

# If you need finer control of the conversion process 
gstem2=as.ngraph(ug, root = 10)
