Get the neurons that are shared synaptic partners for a set of given bodyids, either upstream or downstream.
statuses = NULL,
prepost = c("PRE", "POST"),
all_segments = FALSE,
dataset = NULL,
conn = NULL,
the cypher by which to make your search
if not NULL, only bodies with the given status are considered. Statuses include: Unimportant,0.5assign,Leaves,Prelim Roughly Traced, Anchor, Orphan.
whether to look for partners presynaptic or postsynaptic to
the given bodyids. So when prepost="PRE"
you will return inputs
(upstream partners) of your starting neurons.
if TRUE, all bodies are considered, if FALSE, only 'Neurons', i.e. bodies with a status roughly traced status.
optional, a dataset you want to query. If NULL
, the
default specified by your R environ file is used or, failing that the
current connection, is used. See neuprint_login
for details.
optional, a neuprintr connection object, which also specifies the
neuPrint server. If NULL, the defaults set in your
or .Renviron
used. See neuprint_login
for details.
methods passed to neuprint_login
a n x m matrix where n correspond to the neurons that all connect to m bodyids
# \donttest{
da2conn = neuprint_common_connectivity(da2s$bodyid[1:2], prepost='PRE')
head(cbind(t(da2conn), sum=colSums(da2conn)))
#> 1796817841 1796818119 sum
#> 425790257 2 7 9
#> 478613576 5 5 10
#> 480590566 6 1 7
#> 487144598 2 2 4
#> 512982243 2 1 3
#> 513323340 1 7 8
# }