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Multi dataset cosine clustering


  partners = c("inputs", "outputs"),
  threshold = 1L,
  group = "type"

  ids = NULL,
  threshold = 5,
  partners = c("outputs", "inputs"),
  labRow = "{type}_{coconatfly::abbreviate_datasets(dataset)}{side}",
  group = "type",
  heatmap = TRUE,
  matrix = FALSE,
  interactive = FALSE,
  drop_dataset_prefix = FALSE,
  nas = c("zero", "drop"),
  method = c("ward.D", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid",



A set of across dataset keys or neuron ids wrapped by cf_ids or a dataframe compatible with the keys function.


Whether to return inputs or outputs


return only edges with at least this many matches. 0 is an option since neuprint sometimes returns 0 weight edges.


The name or the grouping column for partner connectivity (defaults to "type") or a logical where group=FALSE means no grouping (see details).


Additional arguments passed to heatmap


Optionally, either string that can be interpolated by glue or a character vector matching the number of neurons specified by ids. See details for an important limitation in the second case.


A logical indicating whether or not to plot the heatmap OR a function to plot the heatmap whose argument names are compatible with stats::heatmap. gplots::heatmap.2 is a good example. Defaults to TRUE therefore plotting the full heatmap with stats::heatmap.


Whether to return the raw cosine matrix (rather than a heatmap/dendrogram)


Whether to plot an interactive heatmap (allowing zooming and id selection). See details.


Whether to remove dataset prefix such as hb: or fw: from dendrograms. This is useful when reviewing neurons in interactive mode.


What to do with entries that have NAs. Default is to set them to 0 similarity.


The cluster method to use (see hclust)


multi_connection_table returns a connectivity dataframe as returned by cf_partners but with an additional column

partners which indicates (for each row) whether the partner neurons are the input or output neurons.

The result of heatmap invisibly including the row and column dendrograms or when heatmap=FALSE, an

hclust dendrogram or when maxtrix=TRUE a cosine matrix.


group=FALSE only makes sense for single dataset clustering - type labels are essential for linking connectivity across datasets. However group=FALSE can be useful e.g. for co-clustering columnar elements in the visual system that have closely related partners usually because they are in neighbouring columns. At the time of writing, there is no metadata support in FANC so group=FALSE is the only option there.

group can be set to other metadata columns such as class or hemilineage, serial (serially homologous cell group) if available. This can reveal other interesting features of organisation.

The labRow argument is most conveniently specified as a length 1 string to be interpolated by glue; this will happen in the context of a data frame generated by cf_meta. One reason why this is convenient is that you do not have to think about matching up the labels to the order of neurons in the dendrogram

However, if you need to use additional information for your labels not present in the cf_meta data then you will need to generate your own labRow vector. The recommended way to do this is to use cf_meta to fetch the metadata for your neurons and then to construct an additional column with your preferred label. This ensures that each entry in the labRow argument can be matched to a specific neuron (defined by the key column of the metadata data frame).

Note that if you try to pass a user defined labRow character vector without supplying an explicitly ordered set of neurons to the ids argument then you will get an error. This is because cf_cosine_plot has no way of knowing which label corresponds to which neuron, almost certainly resulting in incorrect row labels on your dendrogram.


# \donttest{
# basic cosine clustering, in this case for one dataset
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/748 output partner types with total weight 0/15291
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/690 input partner types with total weight 0/11078

# same but dropping the dataset prefix in the column labels
  drop_dataset_prefix = TRUE)
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/748 output partner types with total weight 0/15291
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/690 input partner types with total weight 0/11078

# only cluster by inputs
cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids(hemibrain="/type:LAL00.+"), partners='in')
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/690 input partner types with total weight 0/11078

# or outputs
cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids(hemibrain="/type:LAL00.+"), partners='in')
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/690 input partner types with total weight 0/11078

# the same but without grouping partner connectivity by type
# only makes sense for single dataset plots
cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids(hemibrain="/type:LAL00.+"), group = FALSE)

## Using user supplied row labels
# e.g. because you have some labels of your own that you want to add
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:nat’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, union
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# NB left_join requires the id columns to have the same character data type
  id=as.character(c(5813047453, 1011611587)),
  mytype=c("alice", 'bob'))
# NB glue::glue functions makes the label using column names
lalmeta2=left_join(lalmeta, mytypes, by='id') %>%
  mutate(label=glue('{type}_{side} :: {mytype}'))
#>           id pre post upstream downstream status    statusLabel     voxels
#> 1 5813047453 943 2867     2867       7967 Traced Roughly traced 1709019324
#> 2 1011611587 876 2392     2392       8542 Traced Roughly traced 1502700413
#> 3 5813041304 288  905      905       2089 Traced Roughly traced  695312778
#> 4  894362173 208  469      469       1703 Traced Roughly traced  469303915
#> 5 1572520204 126  474      474        863 Traced Roughly traced  402431356
#> 6 5901201676 120  383      383        832 Traced Roughly traced  360821541
#>   cropped instance   type cellBodyFiber notes soma side class group   dataset
#> 1   FALSE LAL001_R LAL001         ADL02  <NA> TRUE    R  <NA>  <NA> hemibrain
#> 2   FALSE LAL002_R LAL002         ADL02  <NA> TRUE    R  <NA>  <NA> hemibrain
#> 3   FALSE LAL003_R LAL003         ADL06  <NA> TRUE    R  <NA>  <NA> hemibrain
#> 4   FALSE LAL004_R LAL004         ADL06  <NA> TRUE    R  <NA>  <NA> hemibrain
#> 5   FALSE LAL005_R LAL005         ADL06  <NA> TRUE    R  <NA>  <NA> hemibrain
#> 6   FALSE LAL005_R LAL005         ADL06  <NA> TRUE    R  <NA>  <NA> hemibrain
#>             key mytype             label
#> 1 hb:5813047453  alice LAL001_R :: alice
#> 2 hb:1011611587    bob   LAL002_R :: bob
#> 3 hb:5813041304   <NA>    LAL003_R :: NA
#> 4  hb:894362173   <NA>    LAL004_R :: NA
#> 5 hb:1572520204   <NA>    LAL005_R :: NA
#> 6 hb:5901201676   <NA>    LAL005_R :: NA

# now use that in the plot
# NB with function allows cf_cosine_plot to use dataframe columns directly
lalmeta2 %>%
 with(cf_cosine_plot(key, labRow=label))
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/748 output partner types with total weight 0/15291
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/690 input partner types with total weight 0/11078

# bigger clustering
lalhc=cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids(hemibrain="/type:LAL.+"), heatmap=FALSE)
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/17386 output partner types with total weight 0/331470
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/23297 input partner types with total weight 0/435509
#> Warning: diag(V) has non-positive or non-finite entries; finite result is doubtful
lalmeta=coconat::add_cluster_info(lalmeta, lalhc, h=0.75, idcol='key')

# }
if (FALSE) {
## The previous examples are for single datasets to avoid authentication issues
## on the build server, but similar queries could be run for multiple datasets
cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids(flywire="/type:LAL.+", malecns="/type:LAL.+"))

cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids("/type:LAL.+", datasets='brain'))
# same as since the default is brain

# just make the hclust dendrogram
lalhc=cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids("/type:LAL.+"), heatmap=FALSE)
lalmeta=coconat::add_cluster_info(lalmeta, lalhc, h=0.75)

# plot results in a big dendrogram
pdf("lalhc.pdf", width = 150,height = 20, family = 'Courier')
plot(lalhc, labels=glue::glue("{type}_{abbreviate_datasets(dataset)}{side}",
 .envir =lalmeta), hang = -.01, cex=.7)

# look at the results interactively
cf_cosine_plot(cf_ids("/type:LAL.+"), interactive=TRUE)

# \donttest{
# Showcase examples using multi_connection_table to allow
# only a subset of partners to be used for typing
mct=multi_connection_table(cf_ids(hemibrain="/lLN2.+"), partners='in')
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 0/63218 input partner types with total weight 0/412813

mct2=mct %>% filter(!grepl("PN",type))

mct3=cf_ids("/type:lLN2.+", datasets=c("hemibrain", "flywire")) %>%
  multi_connection_table(., partners='in') %>%
   grepl("LN", type) ~ "LN",
   grepl("RN", type) ~ "RN",
   grepl("^M.*PN", type) ~ 'mPN',
   grepl("PN", type) ~ 'uPN',
   TRUE ~ 'other'
  )) %>%
  # try merging connectivity for partners that don't have much specificity
  class=="RN" ~ sub("_.+", "", type),
  class=="uPN" ~ 'uPN',
  TRUE ~ type
#> Loading required namespace: git2r
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 24335/107368 input partner types with total weight 234059/838394
if (FALSE) {
  # remove RN/uPN connectivity could also use the merged connectivity
  filter(!class %in% c("RN", "uPN")) %>%

# This time focus in on a small number of query neurons
mct3 %>%
  mutate(query_key=ifelse(partners=='outputs', pre_key, post_key)) %>%
  filter(query_key %in% cf_ids('/type:lLN2(T_[bde]|X08)',
    datasets = c("hemibrain", "flywire"), keys = TRUE)) %>%

# }

# another worked example lLN1 neurons
# \donttest{
lLN1=cf_ids("/type:lLN1_.+", datasets=c("hemibrain", "flywire")) %>%
  multi_connection_table(., partners='in') %>%
   grepl("LN", type) ~ "LN",
   grepl("RN", type) ~ "RN",
   grepl("^M.*PN", type) ~ 'mPN',
   grepl("PN", type) ~ 'uPN',
   TRUE ~ 'other'
  )) %>%
  class=="RN" ~ sub("_.+", "", type),
  class=="uPN" ~ 'uPN',
  TRUE ~ type
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 7237/17265 input partner types with total weight 124784/234441

lLN1 %>%
  filter(!class %in% c("RN", "uPN")) %>%

# }