Manually verified neuron matches between the hemibrain and FAFB dataset, as well as some light level data from the package natverse-compatible lhns. The Fly Connectome team at the University of Cambridge has manually made cell-to-cell matches based on an initial NBLAST calculation, and given matches a qualitative score. There can be no match (none), a poor match (poor) an okay match (okay) or an exact match (good). As a rule of thumb, a poor match could be a neuron from a very similar same cell type or a highly untraced neuron that may be the correct cell_type. An okay match should be a neuron that looks to be from the same morphological cell type but there may be some discrepancies in its arbour. An exact match is a neuron that corresponds well between FAFB and the hemibrain data. the Google Sheet or using hemibrain_matches if they have an authenticated email.




An object of class data.frame with 117641 rows and 16 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 27877 rows and 11 columns.


a data.frame where each row is a neuron, either from the hemibrain or FAFB data sets. Each row gives you its matching neuron in the other data set. These matches have been manually assigned using fafb_matching, hemibrain_matching and LR_matching. If you use this information make sure you credit it appropriately. Contact us if unsure:

  • "cell_type" - the neuPrint designated 'type' for the neuron. If dataset is not "hemibrain", then this is based on the hemibrain match.

  • "cell" - the unique cell, which is just cell_type#number.

  • "cellBodyFiber" - the cell body fiber to which this neuron belongs

  • "ito_lee_hemilineage" - the hemilineage to which this neuron belongs. Seer hemibrain_hemilineages.

  • "match" - the ID of the manual match from the other data set. If dataset=="hemibrain" then this is a root_id that can be found in flywire_neurons.If "CATMAID" or "flywire" then it is a hemibrain body ID.

  • "quality" - the matcher makers qualitative assessment of how good this match is.

  • "fafb_hemisphere_match" - the flywire coordinates of a neuron on the opposite hemisphere, which a match maker has designated as this id's cognate.

  • "fafb_hemisphere_match.quality" - the quality of this match.

  • "LM.match" - indicates a light level neuron that is a match for id. This neuron will be in flycircuit_neurons() or other light level data.

  • "LM.match.quality" - the quality of this match.

  • "dataset" - the data set to which id belongs. Either "hemibrain", or one of the two FAFB repositories, "CATMAID" or "flywire".

  • "priority" - whether FAFB->hemibrain_matches ("FAFB") or hemibrain->FAFB matches ("hemibrain") were used in order to ascribe cell_type names to FAFB neurons. In both cases, cell_type names are attached to hemibrain bodyids, and propagated to their FAFB matches.