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Setup for brain connectome data.

At the time of writing the main datasets of interest for coconatfly will be the hemibrain and flywire. Installing coconatfly will automatically install the natverse packages required for analysis. However, a few extra steps are still required.

# first install coconatfly
natmanager::install(pkgs = 'coconatfly')
# then get flywire data

If you have not already done so, you will also need to record a neuprint token to access hemibrain data. Go to, copy your Auth Token and then edit your R environ file to do


and add a line like this:


Replacing with your auth token and being sure that is all on one line with a line break after the last quotation mark.

Set up for VNC data

For VNC data, the main datasets are FANC and MANC. MANC data will be available if you have set up your neuprint access token as described in the brain section. For FANC data you will need a separate CAVE access token. Essentially this is covered by:

# check all is good

Dataset status

You can get a useful overview of the current status of your access to different datasets with the dr_coconatfly() command.

#>     dataset installed
#> 1 hemibrain      TRUE
#> 2      manc      TRUE
#> 3   malecns      TRUE
#> 4 opticlobe      TRUE
#> 5   flywire      TRUE
#> 6      fanc      TRUE
#> 7      banc      TRUE
#>                                                                      server
#> 1                                    
#> 2                                    
#> 3                                                                      <NA>
#> 4                                    
#> 5                                                                local dump
#> 6       
#> 7 middleauth+
#>             version
#> 1  hemibrain:v1.2.1
#> 2       manc:v1.2.1
#> 3              <NA>
#> 4 optic-lobe:v1.0.1
#> 5               783
#> 6              1048
#> 7               314
#> For additional information (inc auth issues) for flywire or fanc datasets, try:
#>  `fafbseg::dr_fafbseg()` or  `fancr::dr_fanc()`

Brain example

Ok with that in place, let’s check if we can use connectome data, starting with the brain.

We use cf_ids() to specify neurons in different datasets:

cf_ids(hemibrain = 'ORN_DA2', expand = TRUE)
#> hemibrain [35 ids]: 1669017843 1669699714 1669946117 1670382036 1670386270 1670390647 1669358817 1671659809 1702107389 1702802179 ...

We can ask for the same specific cell type across datasets, here MBON01, mushroom body output neuron 1 (aka M6 or MBON-gamma5beta’2a).

cf_meta(cf_ids('MBON01', datasets = c("flywire", "hemibrain")))
#> Loading required namespace: git2r
#>                   id side   class   type          lineage group
#> 1 720575940624117245    R central MBON01 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 2 720575940643309197    L central MBON01 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 3          612371421    R    <NA> MBON01            ADM07  <NA>
#> 4          673509195    L    <NA> MBON01            ADM07  <NA>
#>           instance   dataset                   key
#> 1         MBON01_R   flywire fw:720575940624117245
#> 2         MBON01_L   flywire fw:720575940643309197
#> 3 MBON01(y5B'2a)_R hemibrain          hb:612371421
#> 4 MBON01(y5B'2a)_L hemibrain          hb:673509195

We can do a regular expression query returning all MBONs:

mbonmeta=cf_meta(cf_ids('/type:MBON.+', datasets = c("flywire", "hemibrain")))
#>                     id side   class          type          lineage group
#> 1   720575940624185095    L central        MBON02 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 2   720575940624117245    R central        MBON01 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 3   720575940638526278    R central        MBON32 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 4   720575940629585602    R central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 5   720575940637934308    R central        MBON30 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 6   720575940632118343    L central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 7   720575940609959637    L central        MBON32 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 8   720575940638163428    L central        MBON06 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 9   720575940630496374    R central        MBON05 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 10  720575940642142861    L central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 11  720575940611344078    R central        MBON20 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 12  720575940634822751    R central   MBON17-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 13  720575940617552340    R central        MBON02 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 14  720575940624280328    R central        MBON33 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 15  720575940617567206    L central        MBON23       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 16  720575940643700640    R central        MBON29      DL2_ventral  <NA>
#> 17  720575940615221811    R central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 18  720575940614026193    R central        MBON14            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 19  720575940633209647    L central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 20  720575940623001480    R central        MBON12            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 21  720575940608304220    R central   MBON15-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 22  720575940614595218    L central        MBON28       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 23  720575940636992368    R central        MBON31 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 24  720575940621828443    L central        MBON12            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 25  720575940637902938    L central        MBON35 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 26  720575940638774606    L central        MBON17       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 27  720575940639697827    R central        MBON14            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 28  720575940626833021    L central        MBON19       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 29  720575940618008859    L central        MBON30 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 30  720575940635841143    L central        MBON15       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 31  720575940618249797    R central        MBON27 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 32  720575940629856515    L central        MBON09 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 33  720575940623905719    R central        MBON12            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 34  720575940629529722    L central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 35  720575940624659943    L central MBON25,MBON34           SMPad3  <NA>
#> 36  720575940624590316    R central        MBON03 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 37  720575940645304430    L central        MBON13            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 38  720575940612196850    R central   MBON15-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 39  720575940630767959    L central        MBON15       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 40  720575940635082347    L central   MBON15-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 41  720575940628757547    L central   MBON15-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 42  720575940627144069    R central MBON25,MBON34           SMPad3  <NA>
#> 43  720575940610647416    R central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 44  720575940622093436    R central        MBON15       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 45  720575940624696810    L central   MBON15-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 46  720575940629422086    L central        MBON09 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 47  720575940647328900    R central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 48  720575940650386553    L central   MBON17-like       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 49  720575940639556467    R central        MBON10             EBa1  <NA>
#> 50  720575940612455338    R central        MBON15       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 51  720575940617749538    R central        MBON11 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 52  720575940617760257    R central        MBON17       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 53  720575940619810389    R central MBON25,MBON34           SMPad3  <NA>
#> 54  720575940634482783    R central        MBON19       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 55  720575940644615716    L central        MBON31 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 56  720575940626109315    R central        MBON19       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 57  720575940623377802    L central        MBON16       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 58  720575940626744921    R central        MBON16       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 59  720575940623464316    R central        MBON24 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 60  720575940622979277    L central        MBON27 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 61  720575940614892182    R central        MBON28       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 62  720575940620715224    L central        MBON21 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 63  720575940643863496    L central        MBON20 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 64  720575940621777391    R central        MBON21 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 65  720575940606953858    R central        MBON23       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 66  720575940630075703    L central        MBON12            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 67  720575940652390134    L central        MBON07 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 68  720575940632535756    L central        MBON14            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 69  720575940643696288    L central        MBON14            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 70  720575940623201833    L central        MBON11 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 71  720575940635063135    R central        MBON22 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 72  720575940616463477    L central        MBON22 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 73  720575940629981440    L central        MBON26 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 74  720575940623182847    L central        MBON33 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 75  720575940626315010    R central        MBON13            FLAa2  <NA>
#> 76  720575940632943277    R central        MBON35 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 77  720575940624539284    L central        MBON18       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 78  720575940620464321    L central        MBON04 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 79  720575940628783363    R central        MBON07 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 80  720575940643309197    L central        MBON01 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 81  720575940614392999    L central        MBON29      DL2_ventral  <NA>
#> 82  720575940617302365    L central        MBON07 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 83  720575940622997453    R central        MBON18       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 84  720575940624694503    L central        MBON03 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 85  720575940628734376    R central        MBON04 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 86  720575940610964946    R central        MBON09 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 87  720575940607155890    R central        MBON26 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 88  720575940623381956    R central        MBON07 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 89  720575940630864847    R central        MBON09 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 90  720575940638028607    R central        MBON06 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 91  720575940621164720    L central        MBON05 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 92  720575940623841463    L central        MBON19       DL1_dorsal  <NA>
#> 93  720575940631177803    L central        MBON24 putative_primary  <NA>
#> 94  720575940624489964    R central MBON25,MBON34           SMPad3  <NA>
#> 95  720575940616398303    L central MBON25,MBON34           SMPad3  <NA>
#> 96  720575940623750325    L central MBON25,MBON34           SMPad3  <NA>
#> 97           612371421    R    <NA>        MBON01            ADM07  <NA>
#> 98           673509195    L    <NA>        MBON01            ADM07  <NA>
#> 99           424789697    R    <NA>        MBON02            ADM07  <NA>
#> 100         5813022341    L    <NA>        MBON02            ADM07  <NA>
#> 101          487925037    R    <NA>        MBON03            ADM07  <NA>
#> 102          612738462    L    <NA>        MBON03            ADM07  <NA>
#> 103          487925063    R    <NA>        MBON04            ADM07  <NA>
#> 104          613079053    L    <NA>        MBON04            ADM07  <NA>
#> 105         1386512867    R    <NA>        MBON05            AVM07  <NA>
#> 106          799586652    L    <NA>        MBON05             <NA>  <NA>
#> 107          422725634    L    <NA>        MBON06             <NA>  <NA>
#> 108         5813061512    R    <NA>        MBON06            AVM07  <NA>
#> 109         1234386037    R    <NA>        MBON07             <NA>  <NA>
#> 110          611477605    L    <NA>        MBON07             <NA>  <NA>
#> 111          733036127    R    <NA>        MBON07            ADM10  <NA>
#> 112          920470959    L    <NA>        MBON07             <NA>  <NA>
#> 113         1016835041    L    <NA>        MBON09             <NA>  <NA>
#> 114         1048215779    L    <NA>        MBON09             <NA>  <NA>
#> 115         1078693835    R    <NA>        MBON09            AVM17  <NA>
#> 116          613719036    R    <NA>        MBON10            AVM07  <NA>
#> 117          672352543    R    <NA>        MBON10            AVM07  <NA>
#> 118          768555687    R    <NA>        MBON10            AVM07  <NA>
#> 119          424767514    R    <NA>        MBON11            ADM05  <NA>
#> 120          517518166    L    <NA>        MBON11             <NA>  <NA>
#> 121          704466265    R    <NA>        MBON12             <NA>  <NA>
#> 122          861665641    R    <NA>        MBON12             <NA>  <NA>
#> 123         1139667240    R    <NA>        MBON13             <NA>  <NA>
#> 124          300972942    R    <NA>        MBON14             <NA>  <NA>
#> 125          394225044    L    <NA>        MBON14             <NA>  <NA>
#> 126         5813067721    L    <NA>        MBON14             <NA>  <NA>
#> 127         5813068729    R    <NA>        MBON14             <NA>  <NA>
#> 128          642664141    R    <NA>        MBON15            PDL05  <NA>
#> 129          673702721    R    <NA>        MBON15            PDL05  <NA>
#> 130          457175171    R    <NA>   MBON15-like            PDL05  <NA>
#> 131          579916831    R    <NA>   MBON15-like            PDL05  <NA>
#> 132          673366098    R    <NA>        MBON16            PDL05  <NA>
#> 133         5812981264    R    <NA>        MBON17            PDL05  <NA>
#> 134         5812981543    R    <NA>   MBON17-like            PDL05  <NA>
#> 135          457196444    L    <NA>        MBON18             <NA>  <NA>
#> 136         5813020828    R    <NA>        MBON18            PDL05  <NA>
#> 137          423774471    R    <NA>        MBON19            PDL05  <NA>
#> 138          517854468    R    <NA>        MBON19            PDL19  <NA>
#> 139          792368888    R    <NA>        MBON20            AVM04  <NA>
#> 140         5813022896    R    <NA>        MBON21            PVL06  <NA>
#> 141          985813153    L    <NA>        MBON21             <NA>  <NA>
#> 142         5813042659    R    <NA>        MBON22            PVL06  <NA>
#> 143          985131499    L    <NA>        MBON22             <NA>  <NA>
#> 144          423382015    R    <NA>        MBON23            PDL05  <NA>
#> 145          487143497    R    <NA>        MBON24            PDL05  <NA>
#> 146          550081497    L    <NA>        MBON24             <NA>  <NA>
#> 147          612742248    L    <NA>        MBON25            ADM07  <NA>
#> 148          612422902    R    <NA>        MBON25            ADM07  <NA>
#> 149          912951014    L    <NA>        MBON26             <NA>  <NA>
#> 150          895441451    R    <NA>        MBON26            PDM28  <NA>
#> 151         5813061538    L    <NA>        MBON27             <NA>  <NA>
#> 152         5813117385    R    <NA>        MBON27            PVM03  <NA>
#> 153          457196643    R    <NA>        MBON28            PDL05  <NA>
#> 154         5813058048    R    <NA>        MBON29            PVL06  <NA>
#> 155         5813052909    L    <NA>        MBON29             <NA>  <NA>
#> 156         5813022234    R    <NA>        MBON30            AVM07  <NA>
#> 157         5813040205    L    <NA>        MBON30             <NA>  <NA>
#> 158          706948318    L    <NA>        MBON31             <NA>  <NA>
#> 159          894020730    R    <NA>        MBON31            ADM10  <NA>
#> 160          642732835    R    <NA>        MBON32            ADM08  <NA>
#> 161          643847447    L    <NA>        MBON32             <NA>  <NA>
#> 162          518670779    L    <NA>        MBON33             <NA>  <NA>
#> 163          547552266    R    <NA>        MBON33            ADM05  <NA>
#> 164         1173814525    L    <NA>        MBON34            ADM07  <NA>
#> 165         5813033000    R    <NA>        MBON34            ADM07  <NA>
#> 166          518930199    R    <NA>        MBON35            ADM02  <NA>
#> 167          611089775    L    <NA>        MBON35             <NA>  <NA>
#>                        instance   dataset                   key
#> 1                      MBON02_L   flywire fw:720575940624185095
#> 2                      MBON01_R   flywire fw:720575940624117245
#> 3                      MBON32_R   flywire fw:720575940638526278
#> 4                      MBON10_R   flywire fw:720575940629585602
#> 5                      MBON30_R   flywire fw:720575940637934308
#> 6                      MBON10_L   flywire fw:720575940632118343
#> 7                      MBON32_L   flywire fw:720575940609959637
#> 8                      MBON06_L   flywire fw:720575940638163428
#> 9                      MBON05_R   flywire fw:720575940630496374
#> 10                     MBON10_L   flywire fw:720575940642142861
#> 11                     MBON20_R   flywire fw:720575940611344078
#> 12                MBON17-like_R   flywire fw:720575940634822751
#> 13                     MBON02_R   flywire fw:720575940617552340
#> 14                     MBON33_R   flywire fw:720575940624280328
#> 15                     MBON23_L   flywire fw:720575940617567206
#> 16                     MBON29_R   flywire fw:720575940643700640
#> 17                     MBON10_R   flywire fw:720575940615221811
#> 18                     MBON14_R   flywire fw:720575940614026193
#> 19                     MBON10_L   flywire fw:720575940633209647
#> 20                     MBON12_R   flywire fw:720575940623001480
#> 21                MBON15-like_R   flywire fw:720575940608304220
#> 22                     MBON28_L   flywire fw:720575940614595218
#> 23                     MBON31_R   flywire fw:720575940636992368
#> 24                     MBON12_L   flywire fw:720575940621828443
#> 25                     MBON35_L   flywire fw:720575940637902938
#> 26                     MBON17_L   flywire fw:720575940638774606
#> 27                     MBON14_R   flywire fw:720575940639697827
#> 28                     MBON19_L   flywire fw:720575940626833021
#> 29                     MBON30_L   flywire fw:720575940618008859
#> 30                     MBON15_L   flywire fw:720575940635841143
#> 31                     MBON27_R   flywire fw:720575940618249797
#> 32                     MBON09_L   flywire fw:720575940629856515
#> 33                     MBON12_R   flywire fw:720575940623905719
#> 34                     MBON10_L   flywire fw:720575940629529722
#> 35              MBON25,MBON34_L   flywire fw:720575940624659943
#> 36                     MBON03_R   flywire fw:720575940624590316
#> 37                     MBON13_L   flywire fw:720575940645304430
#> 38                MBON15-like_R   flywire fw:720575940612196850
#> 39                     MBON15_L   flywire fw:720575940630767959
#> 40                MBON15-like_L   flywire fw:720575940635082347
#> 41                MBON15-like_L   flywire fw:720575940628757547
#> 42              MBON25,MBON34_R   flywire fw:720575940627144069
#> 43                     MBON10_R   flywire fw:720575940610647416
#> 44                     MBON15_R   flywire fw:720575940622093436
#> 45                MBON15-like_L   flywire fw:720575940624696810
#> 46                     MBON09_L   flywire fw:720575940629422086
#> 47                     MBON10_R   flywire fw:720575940647328900
#> 48                MBON17-like_L   flywire fw:720575940650386553
#> 49                     MBON10_R   flywire fw:720575940639556467
#> 50                     MBON15_R   flywire fw:720575940612455338
#> 51                     MBON11_R   flywire fw:720575940617749538
#> 52                     MBON17_R   flywire fw:720575940617760257
#> 53              MBON25,MBON34_R   flywire fw:720575940619810389
#> 54                     MBON19_R   flywire fw:720575940634482783
#> 55                     MBON31_L   flywire fw:720575940644615716
#> 56                     MBON19_R   flywire fw:720575940626109315
#> 57                     MBON16_L   flywire fw:720575940623377802
#> 58                     MBON16_R   flywire fw:720575940626744921
#> 59                     MBON24_R   flywire fw:720575940623464316
#> 60                     MBON27_L   flywire fw:720575940622979277
#> 61                     MBON28_R   flywire fw:720575940614892182
#> 62                     MBON21_L   flywire fw:720575940620715224
#> 63                     MBON20_L   flywire fw:720575940643863496
#> 64                     MBON21_R   flywire fw:720575940621777391
#> 65                     MBON23_R   flywire fw:720575940606953858
#> 66                     MBON12_L   flywire fw:720575940630075703
#> 67                     MBON07_L   flywire fw:720575940652390134
#> 68                     MBON14_L   flywire fw:720575940632535756
#> 69                     MBON14_L   flywire fw:720575940643696288
#> 70                     MBON11_L   flywire fw:720575940623201833
#> 71                     MBON22_R   flywire fw:720575940635063135
#> 72                     MBON22_L   flywire fw:720575940616463477
#> 73                     MBON26_L   flywire fw:720575940629981440
#> 74                     MBON33_L   flywire fw:720575940623182847
#> 75                     MBON13_R   flywire fw:720575940626315010
#> 76                     MBON35_R   flywire fw:720575940632943277
#> 77                     MBON18_L   flywire fw:720575940624539284
#> 78                     MBON04_L   flywire fw:720575940620464321
#> 79                     MBON07_R   flywire fw:720575940628783363
#> 80                     MBON01_L   flywire fw:720575940643309197
#> 81                     MBON29_L   flywire fw:720575940614392999
#> 82                     MBON07_L   flywire fw:720575940617302365
#> 83                     MBON18_R   flywire fw:720575940622997453
#> 84                     MBON03_L   flywire fw:720575940624694503
#> 85                     MBON04_R   flywire fw:720575940628734376
#> 86                     MBON09_R   flywire fw:720575940610964946
#> 87                     MBON26_R   flywire fw:720575940607155890
#> 88                     MBON07_R   flywire fw:720575940623381956
#> 89                     MBON09_R   flywire fw:720575940630864847
#> 90                     MBON06_R   flywire fw:720575940638028607
#> 91                     MBON05_L   flywire fw:720575940621164720
#> 92                     MBON19_L   flywire fw:720575940623841463
#> 93                     MBON24_L   flywire fw:720575940631177803
#> 94              MBON25,MBON34_R   flywire fw:720575940624489964
#> 95              MBON25,MBON34_L   flywire fw:720575940616398303
#> 96              MBON25,MBON34_L   flywire fw:720575940623750325
#> 97             MBON01(y5B'2a)_R hemibrain          hb:612371421
#> 98             MBON01(y5B'2a)_L hemibrain          hb:673509195
#> 99             MBON02(B2B'2a)_R hemibrain          hb:424789697
#> 100            MBON02(B2B'2a)_L hemibrain         hb:5813022341
#> 101             MBON03(B'2mp)_R hemibrain          hb:487925037
#> 102             MBON03(B'2mp)_L hemibrain          hb:612738462
#> 103   MBON04(B'2mp_bilateral)_R hemibrain          hb:487925063
#> 104   MBON04(B'2mp_bilateral)_L hemibrain          hb:613079053
#> 105           MBON05(y4>y1y2)_R hemibrain         hb:1386512867
#> 106    MBON05(y4>y1y2)(AVM07)_L hemibrain          hb:799586652
#> 107       MBON06(B1>a)(AVM07)_L hemibrain          hb:422725634
#> 108              MBON06(B1>a)_R hemibrain         hb:5813061512
#> 109                MBON07(a1)_R hemibrain         hb:1234386037
#> 110                MBON07(a1)_L hemibrain          hb:611477605
#> 111                MBON07(a1)_R hemibrain          hb:733036127
#> 112                MBON07(a1)_L hemibrain          hb:920470959
#> 113      MBON09(y3B'1)(AVM17)_L hemibrain         hb:1016835041
#> 114      MBON09(y3B'1)(AVM17)_L hemibrain         hb:1048215779
#> 115             MBON09(y3B'1)_R hemibrain         hb:1078693835
#> 116               MBON10(B'1)_R hemibrain          hb:613719036
#> 117               MBON10(B'1)_R hemibrain          hb:672352543
#> 118               MBON10(B'1)_R hemibrain          hb:768555687
#> 119        MBON11(y1pedc>a/B)_R hemibrain          hb:424767514
#> 120 MBON11(y1pedc>a/B)(ADM05)_L hemibrain          hb:517518166
#> 121             MBON12(y2a'1)_R hemibrain          hb:704466265
#> 122             MBON12(y2a'1)_R hemibrain          hb:861665641
#> 123               MBON13(a'2)_R hemibrain         hb:1139667240
#> 124                MBON14(a3)_R hemibrain          hb:300972942
#> 125                MBON14(a3)_L hemibrain          hb:394225044
#> 126                MBON14(a3)_L hemibrain         hb:5813067721
#> 127                MBON14(a3)_R hemibrain         hb:5813068729
#> 128               MBON15(a'1)_R hemibrain          hb:642664141
#> 129               MBON15(a'1)_R hemibrain          hb:673702721
#> 130       MBON15-like(a'1a'2)_R hemibrain          hb:457175171
#> 131       MBON15-like(a'1a'2)_R hemibrain          hb:579916831
#> 132             MBON16(a'3ap)_R hemibrain          hb:673366098
#> 133              MBON17(a'3m)_R hemibrain         hb:5812981264
#> 134       MBON17-like(a'2a'3)_R hemibrain         hb:5812981543
#> 135       MBON18(a2sc)(PDL05)_L hemibrain          hb:457196444
#> 136              MBON18(a2sc)_R hemibrain         hb:5813020828
#> 137             MBON19(a2p3p)_R hemibrain          hb:423774471
#> 138             MBON19(a2p3p)_R hemibrain          hb:517854468
#> 139              MBON20(y1y2)_R hemibrain          hb:792368888
#> 140              MBON21(y4y5)_R hemibrain         hb:5813022896
#> 141       MBON21(y4y5)(PVL06)_L hemibrain          hb:985813153
#> 142             MBON22(calyx)_R hemibrain         hb:5813042659
#> 143      MBON22(calyx)(PVL06)_L hemibrain          hb:985131499
#> 144              MBON23(a2sp)_R hemibrain          hb:423382015
#> 145              MBON24(B2y5)_R hemibrain          hb:487143497
#> 146       MBON24(B2y5)(PDL05)_L hemibrain          hb:550081497
#> 147              MBON25(y1y2)_L hemibrain          hb:612742248
#> 148              MBON25(y1y2)_R hemibrain          hb:612422902
#> 149       MBON26(B'2d)(PDM28)_L hemibrain          hb:912951014
#> 150              MBON26(B'2d)_R hemibrain          hb:895441451
#> 151        MBON27(y5d)(PVM03)_L hemibrain         hb:5813061538
#> 152               MBON27(y5d)_R hemibrain         hb:5813117385
#> 153         MBON16-like(a'3a)_R hemibrain          hb:457196643
#> 154              MBON29(y4y5)_R hemibrain         hb:5813058048
#> 155       MBON29(y4y5)(PVL06)_L hemibrain         hb:5813052909
#> 156            MBON30(y1y2y3)_R hemibrain         hb:5813022234
#> 157     MBON30(y1y2y3)(AVM07)_L hemibrain         hb:5813040205
#> 158       MBON31(a'1a)(ADM10)_L hemibrain          hb:706948318
#> 159              MBON31(a'1a)_R hemibrain          hb:894020730
#> 160                MBON32(y2)_R hemibrain          hb:642732835
#> 161         MBON32(y2)(ADM08)_L hemibrain          hb:643847447
#> 162       MBON33(y2y3)(ADM05)_L hemibrain          hb:518670779
#> 163              MBON33(y2y3)_R hemibrain          hb:547552266
#> 164                MBON34(y2)_L hemibrain         hb:1173814525
#> 165                MBON34(y2)_R hemibrain         hb:5813033000
#> 166                MBON35(y2)_R hemibrain          hb:518930199
#> 167                MBON35(y2)_L hemibrain          hb:611089775

and then do some simple summaries on the metadata returned by cf_meta():

mbonmeta %>% 
  mutate(dss=paste0(abbreviate_datasets(dataset), side)) %>% 
  with(table(type, dss))
#>                dss
#> type            fwL fwR hbL hbR
#>   MBON01          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON02          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON03          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON04          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON05          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON06          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON07          2   2   2   2
#>   MBON09          2   2   2   1
#>   MBON10          4   5   0   3
#>   MBON11          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON12          2   2   0   2
#>   MBON13          1   1   0   1
#>   MBON14          2   2   2   2
#>   MBON15          2   2   0   2
#>   MBON15-like     3   2   0   2
#>   MBON16          1   1   0   1
#>   MBON17          1   1   0   1
#>   MBON17-like     1   1   0   1
#>   MBON18          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON19          2   2   0   2
#>   MBON20          1   1   0   1
#>   MBON21          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON22          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON23          1   1   0   1
#>   MBON24          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON25          0   0   1   1
#>   MBON25,MBON34   3   3   0   0
#>   MBON26          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON27          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON28          1   1   0   1
#>   MBON29          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON30          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON31          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON32          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON33          1   1   1   1
#>   MBON34          0   0   1   1
#>   MBON35          1   1   1   1

In general things look quite consistent across sides and datasets (although some neurons are of course missing from the LHS of the hemibrain).

Connectivity clustering

We can then then inspect the situation for MBON25 and MBON34 which have been combined into a single compound type in FlyWire but were regarded as two distinct types in hemibrain. Notice that we pipe %>% the dataframe containing metadata to the cf_cosine_plot function via a filter expression which picks out our cell type of interest as well as few similarly numbered ones. We use output connectivity clustering since we suspect the downstream cell type interactions are more diagnostic for

mbonmeta %>% 
  filter(grepl("MBON(25|34|24|26|33|35)", type)) %>% 
  cf_cosine_plot(partners = 'out')
#> Matching types across datasets. Dropping 1000/1844 output partner types with total weight 17925/42677