You can select synapses within a spatial region and then carrying out a random sub-sampling. This might be useful as part of a strategy for defining connectivity without reconstructing all connections.
First load main packages
## Loading required package: catmaid
## Loading required package: httr
## Loading required package: nat
## Loading required package: rgl
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'nat':
## method from
## as.mesh3d.ashape3d rgl
## Attaching package: 'nat'
## The following object is masked from 'package:rgl':
## wire3d
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, union
## Loading required package: nat.flybrains
## Loading required package: nat.templatebrains
## Loading required package: nat.nblast
In order to run some of the examples we need to ensure that we:
We will most our examples run conditionally based on this.
cl=try(catmaid_login()) catmaid_available=inherits(cl, "catmaid_connection") run_vignette=catmaid_available # set up for 3d plots based on rgl package rgl::setupKnitr() # frontal view view3d(userMatrix=rgl::rotationMatrix(angle = pi, 1,0,0), zoom=0.6)
We’re going to look at synapses downstream of DA1 PNs
cda1=catmaid_get_connectors_between('name:PN Glomerulus DA1')
If we wanted to get the upstream synapses, we could do that as follows: = 'name:PN Glomerulus DA1')
We then want to select synapses within a neuropil region, the lateral horn. The elmr
package now has a neuropil surface object
that we can use for this purpose. To look for points inside the right LH, we can extract just that region from the surface object containing all neuropils as follows:
# convert subset of regions to rgl::mesh3d object lhr=as.mesh3d(, 'LH_R')
Now we can select just those synapses within the LH volume, by piping the XYZ positions of the presynaptic connector node to the pointsinside
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:nat':
## intersect, setdiff, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# make a new logical column indicating if connector is inside LH cda1$inlh=select(cda1, connector_x:connector_z) %>% pointsinside(surf = lhr) cda1 %>% filter(inlh) -> cda1.lh
Now let’s take a random 10% sample of the post-synaptic connector nodes for just one PN:
cda1.lh %>% filter(pre_skid==61221) %>% sample_frac(size=0.1) -> random_syn
We can then construct CATMAID URLs for all those synapses:
synapse_urls=sapply(1:nrow(random_syn), function(i) open_fafb(random_syn[i, c("post_node_x", "post_node_y", "post_node_z")], active_skeleton_id = random_syn$post_skid[i], active_node_id = random_syn$post_node_id[i], open = F) )
That was a little bit clunky but we basically feed the open_fafb
function the data one row at a time centering the URL on the postsynaptic node and selecting that node in the CATMAID viewer.
So here are the results
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [4] ""
## [5] ""
## [6] ""
Let’s make a plot to get an idea of where those synapses are: First fetch the full structure of the seed PN
Now plot the selected and unselected synapses
# find bounding box containing selected synapses synapse_bounds=apply(random_syn[,c("post_node_x", "post_node_y", "post_node_z")],2,range) plot(seedpn, WithNodes=F, boundingbox=synapse_bounds) # plot the synapses we didn't select cda1.lh %>% filter(!post_node_id %in% random_syn$post_node_id & pre_skid %in% random_syn$pre_skid) %>% select(post_node_x:post_node_y) %>% points(col='grey') # and then the ones we did points(random_syn$post_node_x, random_syn$post_node_y, col='red', pch=19)
Then you can open those urls directly in CATMAID:
for (u in synapse_urls) { readline("Press a key to move to open the next synapse (or Esc to cancel).") browseURL(u) }
or write them to a text file
writeLines(synapse_urls, con = 'PN61221_rand_synapse_urls.txt')
or upload them to a google doc
library(googlesheets) random_syn$url=synapse_urls random_syn$tracer="" random_syn$date_started="" tf=tempfile(fileext = '.tsv') write.table(random_syn, file=tf, sep="\t") gs_upload(tf, sheet_title = 'PN61221_rand_synapse_urls') unlink(tf)