Package HelpProvides an overview of key functions and classes |
Bridge light and EM flybrain datasets |
Fetching and searching neuronsFetch and transform neurons or NBLAST them |
Fetch neurons from FAFB CATMAID server, transforming them as appropriate |
NBLAST EM tracing against FlyCircuit (or other databases of) neurons |
Working with neuron structures |
Remove artefactual spikes in neuron tracing due to registration errors |
Functions that have been removed or moved to other packages |
Interacting with CATMAID server |
Generate URLs to open FAFB CATMAID in browser at a given XYZ location |
Summarising tracer contributions |
Summarise tracer contributions / suggest authorship for set of neurons |
Support functionsFunctions intended primarily for developer use |
Convert coordinates between different FAFB assemblies |
DataData objects |
templatebrain for assembled FAFB full adult female brain EM volume |
FAFB brain and neuropil surface objects |
ELM Landmarks created by Bock & Saalfeld groups at Janelia |
Sample EM tracings (homologous pair of neurons wrapping around lateral horn) |